''The Lost Centuries'' was an eight-part television series made in 1968 by Anglia Television, introduced by Professor Glyn Daniel, presented by Dr Brian Hope-Taylor and produced and directed by Forbes Taylor. It focussed upon British history between the departure of the Romans and the arrival of the Renaissance. It was broadcast in 1971 by ITV in a fixed early evening slot (6:30pm), and episodes were of a 25 minute duration. ==Episode guide== 1. Into Darkness (TX: 18 July 1971) ''The decline of the Roman Empire. Modern parallels.'' 2. The Enemies (TX: 25 July 1971) ''The frontiers of the civilised world, what lay beyond. The Limes, Germany - the Saalburg Roman fort - Schleswig, North Germany - Rome.'' 3. A Dream of Arthur (TX: 8 August 1971) ''The post-Roman enigma. 'Arthur's Seat', Edinburgh - Tintagel castle, Cornwall - South Cadbury Hillfort (Alcock excavation)'' 4. A Star in the East (TX: 15 August 1971) ''The rise of Christianity. The Catacombs, Rome - Sancta Sophia, etc, Constantinople.'' 5. A Golden Age (TX: 22 August 1971) ''Saxon Art. Lindisfarne, Northumberland - Durham - East Anglia.'' 6. Mahomet - in Europe (TX: 29 August 1971) ''Impact of the Islamic Empire on Europe.'' 7. The Fury of the Northmen (TX: 5 September 1971) ''The Vikings. The Oseburg ships, Norway - York - etc.'' 8. Towards a New World (TX: 12 September 1971) ''The approaching Renaissance.'' 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「The Lost Centuries」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク